This weekend me, Cippo and Erik took the train down to experience Los Angeles. I'm kind of lazy so will only sum up the story for you guyg. Look at the picutres on Flickr by the way, pictures tells more than a 1000 words huh?
Anyway, we lived in a cheap hostel right across the Chinese Theatre :D, could it be more central? Right on Hollywood blvd/Higland. So we went around, did some shopping, took a limo tour around beverly hills & bel air, walked Rodeo Drive up and down, saw the L.A. Autoshow, got free tickets to a tv-show called MadTV (if you got fox, check it out on dec 16 at 11pm:) maybe you'll see us in the audience), saw David Spade (a celebrity, yey!) and just enjoyed new places. auusome!
Today I had my final in economics, hope it went well. Got my linguistics final coming up on tuesday also. Finals suck really. But, after them I'm gonna surf "sönder" the ocean and relax, party etc etc etc.
let's hug it out people
Tjatja J, woozup?
Det verkar finnas 10 ggr mer lyxbilar på Hollywood Blvd än utanför monte carlo casinot. Bilshowen gick inte av för hackor right? Vilken bil var fetast? Jag såg den nya Aston Martin DBS i skyltfönstret på harrods, närmaste jag kommit den hitills. Peace out
TJena g!
M'hm det fanns en hel del bilar kan man säga :D Jag gillade R8an en hel del alltså! Nya Audi sportbilen, sen är ju svenska Koenigsegg inte helt fel heller:D asså? tjock, den fanns inte där tyvärr. har bara gjort fyra ex av den bilen, hälften gick till bond. har du sett filmen eller? vad händer annars i UK? hängt mycket i London? later
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