Bought a surfboard yesterdat downtown! Gotta try it out today! we said that we should buy this board together and another to begin with. It's a longboard(will post pictures later, gonna take some at the beach:)) and should bea good start board.
Oh and taxidrivers here really suck! First our plan was to bring home the board by bus, but apparently there are some regulations so in an emergency, it would be an projectile and stuff. Bah, silly. So we asked a taxiguy if he could call some collegue with a bigger car. "yes" he said, and "wait, wait". 10minutes later the exact same small car came taht was here before! Whatever we thought it should work out. So the taxidriver put it in the trunk with some string attachments and stuff. Off we go and after some minutes we hit quite a big jump in the road, and the taxidriver quickly turned over and stopped. Bad news: something in the trunk had made a hole in the board! oh that's just perfect mr taxidriver. So he realized that it would fit in the car, which it did quite good also. And so we drove home, with a nice discount on the trip. Anyway, I repaired the damage yesterday, I'm such a handyman you know, and we're gonna try it out today hopefully! I'm so excite!
Pictures will come soon.
let's hug it out
grattis! ska bli riktigt kul att se bilderna snart.. Gillar verkligen bilden förresten, ser otroligt skönt ut..
tacks! ska vänta lite, kollade precis surf forecasten här och de blir bättre i eftermiddag, typ3-4. sen på onsdag kommer 20fots vågor!!! ojoj, vad vi skulle bli ägda om vi surfade de! ska dra och fota då :)
Herregud vad underbart!
Halloween verkar ju inte helt lugnt va?
Vet du vad jag hörde - Att det finns en playboyranking över alla universitet i HELA U.S.A.; gissa vilka som kom på 2:a plats.. SB! Way to go!
Det var craaazy!
Nähä?! ojoj, man får vara lite stolt över sitt universitet ändå :) Fuck yeah!
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