Saturday, November 11, 2006

Our neighbors are really really stupid

Okay, so thanks to our neighbors, the wonderful fans are back in A12! Not fans like groupies ore likely, but big blowing machines. Apparently our neighbors don't know how to operate a toilet, and therefore they used it as a garbagecan, throwing down cartons, towels, cats, food and anything you can think of (maybe a little exaggerated). This causes the effect of malfunctioning the toilet and it cloggs. Our pipes and the pipes from the neighbors are connected, which makes our toilet to overflow aswell. This morning we noticed the toilet downstairs was overflowed with nasty nasty, brown water. We managed to get rid of the water by flushing, but some of it made its way to the floor. So cippo and I had to dry it up, very nice.
Some time later the plumberman came by and got rid of the clogg somehow.

Anyway, today we had planned to take a biketrip up to the mountains or as far as we could manage. This incident should not get in our way so we mounted the bikes and headed out. Didn't have a plan really so we went against the mountains. It is really beautiful outside the towns with orange and lemon farms and stuff. Apparently our road lead to a dead end so we had to go back for some miles. Then we headed south instead, it sloped downhill that way so it was nice! hiihi. After some time we found some posh neighborhoods and headed up against the mountains again. Guess what, we found another dead end. But there was some fun downhill riding there, but we also had to go up them when we found the deadend. Grr. Yeah so we were a bit tired and decided to go west now and try to find somewhere to rest. Didn't take long till we found a Starbucks actually, nice! After the pit-stop Chimney Sweeps was the goal.

When we entered the door to the apartment, we found that the fans are back. Oh splendid! Apparently, the walls had some damage from before by the leak and this clogging-adventure didn't help it that much. And we had planned to have a förfest here too. Fu**ing neighbors. Just D's "grannar" just says it all? aiiight

let's hug it out


mbolo said...

Förstår vad du menar.. Våra nya grannar är inha raketforskare heller. Har inte hört några katter i rören än men det är nog bara en tidsfråga.

Ta en caramel cream frapuccino åt mig med nästa gång ni svänger förbi. Och en ginger cookie med. Ana & jag åt en häromdagen & skickade dig en tanke då.

Sköt om dig, & hörs snart,

bronto said...

Segt är vad det är.
Oh vad nice, det är synd bara att de inte har såna goa kakor här i SB. :( Tydligen är de inte så populära..

Vi får skypa i veckan! Var ute igår och glömde av att ringa imorse. Ha det bra!