So when we had got all the furniture put up and in place, it was time for a pipe to burst if course. On Sunday afternoon I noticed a lot of water on the kitchen floor...hmmm strange I thought. Then I realized the whole wall was wet! Also, the bathroom floor next to the kitchen was full of water and the roof had big balls of water pointing out! The wall was like soaking and soft. Not so good I thought and told the others about it. Crap really, because we wanted to keep our deposition..
We went and told Dave the Man at once and he took a look at it, called a plumber and a carpenter(some of the carpet was full of water to). Dave was quite cool with it and said that it would sort out. Some pipe had apparently blewn (mexican building is #1) or whatever so it came down water through the wall to downstairs and through the ventilation system. So now we have two giant fans blowing air downstairs in the living room and the bathroom. They have been on constantly for two days and hopefully we'll get rid of them tomorrow. It really sucks; we can't sit and watch tv or eat at the dining table. Damn mexicans!
Otherwise school rolls on and I've got some mid-terms next week in economics and linguistics. It will be tough, have to study a lot this weekend plus that halloween comes to! Whatever, it sorts out somehow I guess.
Today I'll head downtown to check out some camera stands (think it's called that, maybe tripod) and some clothes too. Know there is a Abercrombie&Fitch on state street:) wanna find an American Apparell store too. yeah, I've got to get out of IV a little, have kinda been stuck here recently. Had some howework stuff and other things came in the way.
Also, I'll go looking for wetsuits, Petter said that I really need a wetsuit if I wanna start surfin. The water is about 16°C or something so it isn't that warm really. It also protect a little if I hit rocks or killerwhales :o. yeah so that's the agenda today.
Still, if you find a picture worth to be sent in to the competition please comment it or something. Gonna try take some more pictures soon, havn't had the time lately.
If someone visit my blog leave a comment you know, make's me feel good if someone actually reads this :) It's nice, I like!
Borat the Movie has premier next week! nice
Take care, y'all
let's hug it out
D'oh! segt med vattenskadan faktiskt.. hur blir det med depositionen tror ni? är ju inte ert fel utan egentligen Pacos fel ju. Egentligen borde ni ju kunna stämma fastighetsskötaren som anställt rörmokare som "put your health and life at serious risk". Låter som ett major case tycker jag..
Kul me våtdräkt däremot tycker jag. ut och testa vågorna nu.. Det är faktiskt tid för det och nog grymt skön avkoppling. Läser din blogg varje dag så du kan räkna med läsare. Tror Philip, Calle & BG tittar in ibland med..
Ja det är jobbigt, men tror att depositionen är okej. Verkar som att Dave mest ville få ordning på det, är ju deras fel egentligen. Tyvärr får vi inte stämma folk här tror jag, skrev på nåt avtal vid extension när vi kom hit.
Jah ska försöka dra ut i helgen. Hann inte kolla dräkter idag tyvärr. Ska nog fixa det på fredag.
Okej, kul! :)
Nä, jag är aldrig här. eller jag menar. doh!
Kikki Danielsson sa: en papaya coconut. Dr. Alban svarade: come along, come along, come along.. den dialogen är ugenfär lika logisk som konstallationen "Kikki och Alban". Länge leve falukörv.
Ja, det verkar inte så Stabilt!
let's hug it out
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